1. Regular Joint (and unannounced) Industrial Assessments, focusing on pollution control & compliance monitoring of industries (quarterly)An Inspection Form/ Checklist has been developed that standardizes the compliance monitoring process and therewith increases transparency and accountability. So far, 37 industries have been assessed and received their report from the PTF.
    joint-assessment joint-assessment photo

  2. Promotion of detailed Cleaner Production Assessment and Training​ by UCPC
    Annually, subsidized Cleaner Production Audits are offered to polluting companies to support them in identifying their main pollution sources and affordable mitigation measures. In 2015, Britannia Industries, Peacock Paints and Fine Spinners made use of this opportunity offered by Uganda Cleaner Production Center (UCPC) and IWaSP. 
    The Pollution Task Force is currently offering cleaner production audits to five industries in 2016 and all industries are encouraged to take this offer up.
    For further information on the Cleaner Production Audits contact Uganda Cleaner Production Centre on email: ucpc@ucpc.co.ug ; Tel: 0414287938
  3. Annual Public-Private Kampala Wastewater Dialogue (KWWD) on wastewater management and pollution control.

    Establishment of a public-private dialogue with industries to share and discuss experiences, successes, challenges and potential solutions for sustainable industrial development and environmental sustainability. 

  4. Kampala Green Industry Campaign (GIC) 2016.

    The PTF launched the Kampala Green Industry Campaign (GIC) 2016, a competitive and incentive based approach to promote sustainable economic development and environmental quality by adopting better occupational health and safety practices, resource use efficiency and pollution reduction in industries within Kampala City. The campaign will contribute significantly to improving industrial practices regarding; safety, environmental pollution control; waste management, water and energy conservation, sanitation management, recycling, reuse and greening 

  5. Capacity building of PTF members

    Study Tour to Germany 2016: PTF technical team members and chosen industry representatives were exposed to different environmental management innovations and learnt about the legal and institutional framework conditions for wastewater management in Germany.
    Trainings on basic inspection and monitoring practices for pollution control i.e. sample collection, onsite water quality testing and result interpretation and reporting.
    Capacity Building Capacity building Capacity Building

  6. Awareness creation measures
    Increased awareness by disseminating information on pollution control through developing and launching of Industrial Wastewater Management Guides for Battery Recycling Industries, Paint Industries and Soft Drink Industries in 2015.
    Industrial Wastewater Management Guide for Battery Recycling Industries [pdf]
    Industrial Wastewater Management Guide for Paint Industries [pdf]
    Industrial Wastewater Management Guide for Soft drink Industries [pdf]

    The 2016 Wastewater Management guides for Abbatoirs, Steel Rolling Mills, Garages, Textile industries and Dairy processing industries will be launched by the end of this year.

  7. Regular PTF Meetings (quarterly)
    There is increased collaboration among government agencies (NEMA, DWRM, KCCA and NWSC) through regular meetings and information exchange to guide quick and coordinated decision making on compliance monitoring and enforcement.

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