PUBLISHED — 1st, December 2023

In a vital move to maintain urban development standards, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) enforcement officers have demolished an illegal structure along Saddler Way, opposite Kampala Parents School in Nakawa Division.

Despite multiple warnings, the developer proceeded to encroach on a road reserve, violating development control procedures outlined in the Physical Planning Act, 2010, and other relevant laws.

Not only had the developer blocked the road reserved but also constructed on the top of the drainage.

The enforcement action not only upholds the city's planning regulations but also ensures the safety and efficiency of roadways.

With the removal of the unauthorized structure, road users along Saddler Way, can now enjoy an unobstructed view, enhancing both accessibility and safety in the area.

Following the successful intervention in Nakawa Division, the KCCA enforcement team proceeded to Makindye Division to address a pressing issue at Autospa.

A developer had blocked a drainage channel, leading to persistent flooding in the area. The unauthorized diversion of water at a 90-degree angle exacerbated the problem.

To tackle this issue head-on, the KCCA team cut through the developer's premises, ensuring a straight and unobstructed drainage path.

This strategic intervention aims to alleviate flooding concerns and enhance the overall resilience of the drainage system in the region.

These actions highlight KCCA’s commitment to enforcing development regulations and ensuring the well-being of Kampala residents.

The authority is actively involved in various projects, including enhancing Cape/Wvamuuno road and its drainage systems to improve the city's overall appearance.

KCCA encourages the public and developers to adhere to established guidelines and refrain from engaging in illegal developments that could compromise the city's infrastructure and safety.

The authority remains dedicated to creating a harmonious urban environment that prioritizes sustainable development and the welfare of its residents.

By swiftly addressing illegal structures and drainage issues, the authority aims to create a city where residents can thrive in a safe and well-planned environment.

Story By Geoffrey Mutegeki Araali

Communication and Media Relations Officer

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