Invitation to Provide Consultancy Services for Supervision of Construction and Upgrade of Selected Roads in Kampala Capital City Authority - KCCA-GKMA/CONS/2024-2025/00009

PUBLISHED — 28th, August 2024

Invitation to Provide Consultancy Services for Supervision of Construction and Upgrade of Selected Roads in Kampala Capital City Authority under Package 1 (Lots 1, 3 & 5) and Package 2 (Lots 2 & 4): - KCCA-GKMA/CONS/2024-2025/00009 (Package 1 & Package 2)

  1. The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs (MKCC&MA) has received funding from the World Bank/International Development Association (IDA) to implement the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area-Urban Development Program (GKMA-UDP). Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) as a participating entity has been allocated funds under the program for the Upgrading and Reconstruction of selected roads to bituminous standards
  2. Kampala Capital City Authority invites your sealed proposals for the provision of the above services and is open to all Consultants.
  3. This Request for Proposals will be conducted in accordance with the Open Domestic Bidding Procedures of consultancy services contained in the Government of Uganda’s Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act, 2003) Order 2021, the PPDA (Procurement of Consultancy services) Regulations, 2023 and the procedures described in Part 1: Proposal Procedures and is open to all consultants.
  4. Interested eligible Consultants may obtain further information and inspect the request for proposals document at the address given below at 8(a) from 8:00am to 5:00pm on working days except on public holidays.
  5. The Request for proposals document in English may be purchased by interested Consultants upon submission of a written application to the address below at 8(b) and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of UGX.300,000/= (Uganda shillings three hundred thousand only) to the bank after generating a payment advise form from the Kampala Capital City Authority.  
  6. Proposals shall be delivered physically to the address below at 8(c) at/or before 11:00 am on 26th September 2024. All proposals shall be accompanied by a Proposal Security of UGX. 50,000,000/= for Package 1 and UGX.40,000,000/= for Package 2 valid up to 10th April 2025. Late proposals shall be rejected. Proposals will be opened in the presence of the consultants’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below at 8(d) at 11:30 am, on 26th September 2024.
  7. There shall be a pre – proposal meeting for both Packages (1 & 2) at Kampala Capital City Authority- Procurement and Disposal Department on 12th September 2024 starting at 11:00 am
  8. (a)   Documents may be inspected at:  Procurement & Disposal Department, Kampala Capital City Authority, first floor room B114 from 8.00am to 5.00pm.

     (b)   Documents will be issued from: Procurement & Disposal Department, Kampala Capital City Authority, first floor room B114 from 8.00am to 5.00pm

(c) Proposals must be delivered to:   Procurement & Disposal Department, Kampala Capital City Authority, first floor room B114 from 8.00am to 5.00pm

(d) Address of Proposal Opening: Procurement & Disposal Department, Kampala Capital City     Authority, first floor room B114 from 8.00am to 5.00pm

9. The planned procurement schedule (subject to changes) is as follows:



a. Publication of invitation for  Proposals notice

 27th August, 2024

b. Date of Issue of Invitation to Consultants

28th August 2024

c. Pre-proposal meeting

 12th September, 2024 at 11:00am Local Time

d. Proposal closing date

26th  September, 2024 at 11:00am Local Time

e. Evaluation process

Technical proposal: 26th September 2024 – 24th October , 2024

Financial proposals:  1st November, 2024 to 5th November 2024

f. Negotiations

Between 11th November 2024 to 20th November 2024

g. Display and communication of best evaluated Consultant notice

22nd November, 2024 to 5th December 2024

h. Contract Signature

31st December 2024


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