Kampala Tree and Palm Directory

Tree Species
Common Name
Tree Description
Tree Uses

English: Weeping bottlebrush, Creek bottlebrush, Red bottlebrush, Drooping bottlebrush.

+ Tree Species

Callistemon viminalis (syn. Melaleuca viminalis)

+ Tree Family


+ Ecology

Callistemon viminalis is endemic to New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. C. viminalis grows in heavy waterlogged soils, in shady wet situations or even and climates where there is sufficient supplementary watering. It grows best in moist well-drained soil in full or partial sun. In Kampala, weeping bottlebrush in is located along Bombo road, Wampewo avenue, within Nsibirwa hall premises among other places.

+ Description

Weeping bottlebrush is an evergreen tree with a dense, multi-trunked, low-branching, pendulous growth habit and large numbers of bright red bottle brush.  It can attain a height of up to 8 m in small trees and up to 18 m in larger specimens. The flowers are followed by persistent woody capsules that are not noticed unless you are close to the tree.

BARK: gray, branches droop; not showy; typically, multi-trunked; thorns.

LEAVES: lanceolate 3-6 mm wide by 40-70 mm long but northern forms have more elliptical-shaped leaf. The narrow, light green, 3- to 4-inch-long leaves tend to grow only at the ends of the long, hanging branches, creating a weeping effect. Young flushes are slightly hairy.

FLOWERS: bright red, arranged in spikes 40-150 mm long on and around the ends of branches, with prominent red stamens 15-25 mm long. Petals are greenish or pale colored, tiny, inconspicuous and in some cases deciduous. The stamens are fused together in a 'ring', are shed together as one unit. The leaves may continue to from the terminal apex of the inflorescence, so that the flowers appear as if "threaded" through the branches.

FRUITS: brown, round dry or hard fruits, 5-6 mm in diameter and the seed is held for a few seasons. New growth emerges from the ends of the inflorescence and the young leaves have bronze-colored hairs. Seeds are shed upon maturity.

+ Uses

An ornamental tree. It is suitable for planting as a street tree and its valuable species in landscaping.

It is useful as a screening plant or hedge.

Agroforestry: helps in soil conservation.

+ Propagation

Seeds, cuttings.

+ Management

Moderate growth rate. Best flowering and growth is obtained with ample moisture and regular fertilization. Lower branches (Occasional pruning) of pendulous branches can be done.

+ Remarks

The genus Callistemon is generally noted for their flowers, adaptability and quick growth. The brittle wood of weeping bottlebrush may make it unsuitable for windy areas, but this is usually not a problem in most locations.

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