Kampala Tree and Palm Directory

Tree Species
Common Name
Tree Description
Tree Uses

Kwamba: Kitokwe, kitomo Lugwe: Muhanga Lusoga: Musandasanda

+ Tree Species

Sterculia dawei

+ Tree Family


+ Ecology

Native to Uganda. A tree of mixed tropical rain forest. It is widespread in Uganda; common in the Lake Victoria forest belt and in Bundibugyo District. It grows in Kasyoha-Kitumi forest but not in Kigezi or Ankole. In Kampala, this tree can be found in Makerere II Zone C among other places.

+ Description

A tall deciduous forest tree with a long cylindrical bole, 9-30 m to a fairly small crown. Buttresses generally absent.

BARK: quite thin, brown to grey-brown, moderately rough with small vertical and horizontal marks, flaking in small pieces. Branchlets thick, red-brown, very fibrous.

LEAVES: unlobed, broadly oblong-oval, 9-18 cm long, base rounded to heart-shaped but lobes hardly overlap, more than 3 veins from the base not extending more than half way along the leaf, 7-11 lateral veins, tip protruding but rounded or shortly pointed, stalk to 7 cm, both surfaces slightly hairy at first (hairs star-shaped), older leaves just hairy below.

FLOWERS: very small, on long hairy branched stalks beside upper leaves, each flower with a small hairy calyx cup (no petals), green outside, purple-red inside.

FRUIT: woody, often in threes, boat-shaped and beaked 5-10 cm long, softly hairy, green then bright red when ripe (no aril), fading brown, opening to release black seeds to 2 cm long. Pale brown hairs line the inside of the fruit.

+ Uses

Provides firewood and charcoal.

Agroforestry: provides shade (for coffee, banana, cocoa plantations).

The fibres from bark are used for making string and ropes.

An ornamental tree     (avenue).

+ Propagation

Seeds, wildings.

+ Management

Coppicing, pollarding

+ Remarks

Plant as individual trees for shade and as an avenue. The leaves of S. dawei are similar to and so confused with those of Chlorophora (Milicia), Uganda’s most valuable timber tree.

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