Kampala Tree and Palm Directory

Tree Species
Common Name
Tree Description
Tree Uses

English: Melaleuca, Punk tree, Paperbark tea trees, Cajeput tree.

+ Tree Species

Melaleuca quinquenervia

+ Tree Family


+ Ecology

Melaleuca is native to Australia. It grows in terrestrial as well as in completely aquatic situations. It has been widely introduced throughout the tropics as an ornamental and has become an undesirable weed in many areas. In Kampala, this tree can be found along Nkurumah road, Lower Kololo terrace, Nasser road among other places.

+ Description

Melaleuca is a hardy tree with a slender crown growing to about 24m tall. Branches occur at irregular intervals off of the main trunk.

BARK: whitish, spongy, peeling, and in many layers.

LEAVES: 10-15 cm long, evergreen, lanceolate, simple and short-stalked, parallel-veined, alternate in arrangement, and aromatic when crushed.

FLOWERS: white, small and crowded in bottlebrush-like spikes at branch tips.

FRUIT: small, short, round or cylindric or squarish, brown or gray woody capsules with many tiny seeds.

+ Uses

An ornamental tree.

The wood is suitable for light construction and the timber can be used in the round for house stumps, fence posts, poles, mining timber or small piles.

Agroforestry: useful source of pollen and honey for apiculture, shelterbelt, can be planted as a hedge.

The bark is used for potting mix, packaging, insulation and leaves are a source of cineole.

+ Propagation


+ Management

Fast growing. Coppicing, pruning, pollarding.

+ Remarks

Melaleuca quinquenervia aggressively invades a variety of wetland habitats including sawgrass marshes, wet prairies, and aquatic sloughs. It often forms impenetrable thickets, reduces biodiversity, displaces native vegetation and reduces the value of these habitats for wildlife.

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