Kampala Tree and Palm Directory

Tree Species
Common Name
Tree Description
Tree Uses

English: Blue potato tree, Brazilian potato tree.

+ Tree Species

Solanum wrightii

+ Tree Family


+ Ecology

Blue potato tree is native to South America. The tree is grown in both tropical and subtropical regions. A large shrub with flowers that open with a purple color and throughout the day fade to a pale lavender. In Kampala, Blue potato tree can be found alongMackenzie close, Old Kira Road, Ridgeway drive among other places.

+ Description

Blue potato tree is a tree, sometimes armed with straight prickles; it can grow up to 12 meters tall.

BARK: light grey, fissured bark and bears sharp, curved thorns. Herbaceous branch tips are pubescent (covered in soft hairs).

LEAVES: deeply lobed, hairy leaves are broadly ovate and have wavy leaf margin (30 cm long, 15 - 20 cm wide). There are long, straight thorns on the bottom side of the midrib and petiole.

FLOWERS: five-lobed, star-shaped flowers (6.5 - 7.5 cm wide) have long, bright yellow anthers which are pollen-bearing structures. Petals are initially dark purple, but fade to light purple and then white over several days. Bisexual or male flowers occur in small tri-colored clusters known as racemes.

FRUITS: Round, fleshy fruits are known as berries, red sometimes remaining green (3 - 4 cm wide). 

+ Uses

Agroforestry: can be grown to provide shade in coffee plantations.

An ornamental tree.

+ Propagation

Seeds, tem cuttings or air layering.

+ Management

Fast growing.

+ Remarks

The tree is widely cultivated to provide shade in coffee plantations and as an ornamental.

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