PUBLISHED — 12th, December 2024
The State Minister for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs, Kabuye Kyofatogabye, has applauded the progress of the Parish Development Model (PDM) in Kawempe Division, emphasizing transparency and warning against corruption and discrimination in the implementation of the program.
During a monitoring visit on Thursday, Kyofatogabye assessed the impact of PDM in the division, where beneficiaries from 21 parishes are actively engaged in various enterprises under the government initiative aimed at uplifting Ugandans from poverty to a money economy.
The minister held a meeting with key local leaders, including Parish Development Committee (PDC) members, LCII chairpersons, and NRM chairpersons. He urged the leaders to ensure transparency in managing funds, stressing that beneficiaries should not be charged to access the funds.
“Be transparent and ensure the money reaches the beneficiaries. It is unacceptable to charge them. Discrimination based on political parties is also unacceptable. This program is for everyone,” Kyofatogabye said.
The government flagship programm is meant to uplift 39% of Ugandans who are living a subsistence life to enable them to get involved in the cash economy
He emphasized the importance of preparing beneficiaries before disbursing funds to ensure they invest in enterprises aligned with the agricultural value chain. He also encouraged voluntary savings among beneficiaries to avoid misuse of the funds.
Kyofatogabye visited several beneficiaries who shared their success stories under the program.
Massitula Namutebi, a food vendor from Kazo-Angola Parish who sells yellow bananas and cooked food, praised President Yoweri Museveni for initiating the program. “This has greatly improved my business and my livelihood,” she said.
Catherine Namatovu, a poultry farmer, shared her journey of starting with 100 chickens and growing her flock to 600 birds. She commended the PDM for transforming her enterprise.
"I want to thank President Museveni for this program. It has helped us the poor women to get capital to transform our livilihoods. My birds are now a source of income and i belive slowly i will turn this project into a big farm," Namatovu said.
Rose Namagembe, a food vendor from Corner Zone, also expressed her gratitude for the program, highlighting its role in improving her income and supporting her family.
"I was constantly stressed and overwhelmed by moneylenders who pressured me to borrow just to support my family. However, with the support I have received from the PDM, I finally feel at peace." Namagembe said.
Each of the above beneficiaries recieved UGX 1 Million to support thier enterprises.
Kyofatogabye expressed satisfaction with the program's progress, noting that Kawempe leaders are supporting PDM despite political differences. “I’m happy that people are progressing well. The leaders of Kawempe have impressed me with their commitment to the program,” he said.
Over 4,000 beneficiaries in Kawempe Division and more than 10,000 citywide have benefited from the PDM initiative.
The PDM, a flagship government program, aims to alleviate poverty by enabling grassroots participation in the economy through financial support and capacity building.
By Geofrey Mutegeki Araali
Communication and Media Relations Officer
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