PUBLISHED — 10th, June 2024

Dorothy Kisaka, the Executive Director of the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), has praised the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) for bringing high-quality healthcare and education services closer to Kampala.

Kisaka expressed her gratitude on Monday while hosting Amin Mawji OBE, the Diplomatic Representative of AKDN in Uganda, at the KCCA offices.

Recently, the Aga Khan University Hospital inaugurated the Nakawa Specialty Centre, situated on the Old Port Bell Road in Nakawa. This facility marks the first facility on the upcoming Aga Khan University’s Kampala campus.

The center offers advanced medical services including chemotherapy, dialysis, and diagnostic imaging such as CT scans, mammography, neurophysiology, and ultrasound.

Kisaka conveyed her enthusiasm for the project, noting its alignment with the Kampala Smart City agenda, which focuses on three core pillars: Technology, Infrastructure, and People’s Well-being.

"Aga Khan’s initiatives fits in the Kampala Smart City agenda with its beautiful infrastructure and focus on people’s well-being," Kisaka stated.

She also highlighted that these projects are feasible due to the NRM government's dedication to ensuring all citizens access quality healthcare and education.

This commitment is manifested through the creation of a supportive environment and forming partnerships with organizations like the Aga Khan.

In his remarks, Mawji expressed gratitude to President Yoweri Museveni for providing the land, which has been instrumental in the project's progress.

“I also want to thank KCCA for the construction of the roads, Old Port Bell road is progressing well,” Mawji said.

In line with greening the city, Mawji revealed the recent ecological efforts at the Nakawa site, including the planting of a micro forest with 250 trees and plans to identify at least ten other sites across Kampala for similar projects.

Mawji also announced that the university building and student housing are expected to be completed and inaugurated by the end of this month.

The 60-acre Nakawa site is envisioned as a center of excellence for education and healthcare.

Mawji emphasized that the goal is to establish a hub that not only delivers top-notch education but also serves as a beacon of health.

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