PUBLISHED — 19th, December 2022
Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has today 19 December, 2022 introduced the new interim Boda boda leadership to the boda boda operators from all the five city divisions.
This was revealed at the final sensitization event organized by KCCA at the Kololo ceremonial grounds. The event was graced by the KCCA Deputy ED, the Deputy RCC for Rubaga Division, officials from traffic police, NIRA and the Ministry of Works and Transport among others.
The KCCA Deputy Executive Director Engineer David Luyimbazi noted that key on the agenda for this final sensitization and training event was to introduce the interim leadership to the boda boda operators.
“The new interim leadership was arrived at through consensus amongst all boda boda leaders from the five divisions” Luyimbazi said.
The new interim leadership committee is headed by Frank Mawejje as the chairperson, Siraji Mutyaba as the vice chairperson and other members chosen by this leadership.
Eng. Luyimbazi noted that KCCA has been doing sensitization and training of all boda boda operators in all the divisions as a way to help streamline and organize the transport industry in Kampala. During these trainings, the boda boda operators have been educated on the processes through which they can acquire different requirements for riding in the city like the driving permit, the national ID, the gazetted stages and more as guided by KCCA.
The Deputy RCC for Rubaga Division Burora Anderson thanked KCCA, Ministry of Works and Transport, the Prime Minister’s office and other stakeholders for the strides taken to streamline and address the challenges in the boda boda industry.
“We must agree that over time boda boda has been used by wrong elements to achieve their goals but this is no more, KCCA, The Ministry for Kampala Capital City and Metropolitan Affairs, the RCCs office wants nothing but to organize the boda boda industry” Burora said
Burora further cautioned the riders to desist from always being on the wrong side of the law but rather abide by the law to avoid arrests and penalties.
Burora asked the new interim leadership to revive the Emyoga and PDM saccos so that riders can benefit and also be able to buy themselves motorcycles other than running to money lenders.
Frank Mawejje the incoming interim committee chairperson thanked the riders and their leaders in different divisions for entrusting him with the responsibility to lead them.
“We are presented with a huge challenge of organizing ourselves but also organizing and professionalizing our job which is the boda boda business” Mawejje said.
“I kindly request my fellow riders to allow and we work together to streamline our job because this is the job that has paid school fees for our children, taken care of our families and more, therefore we have to organize it to a level where our children and other people are not ashamed of introducing us as boda boda riders” Mawejje said.
Mawejje thanked KCCA for recognizing their interim leadership and affirmed to his subjects that this was the start and way to the good things.
“We have missed so many opportunities because we were not organized and did not have leadership but now we are and we can easily get recommenders,” Mawejje said.
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