PUBLISHED — 22nd, November 2022
Kampala City market leaders have today presented their handover reports to KCCA ED and promised to actively support the implementation of the presidential directive.
The event was held at City Hall on Tuesday November 22, where each of the 16 public market leaders presented a handover report to the KCCA Executive Director, Dorothy Kisaka.
This followed the President’s directive to disband the leadership committees. Kisaka explained that this is a policy change where all Government markets will now be under the management of KCCA. The directive further stipulates that all administration including collection of rental and other market dues derived from the market will be under KCCA. Vendors will also pay for utilities such as electricity and water through a mechanism set up by KCCA.
Before receiving the reports, Kisaka thanked the outgoing leaders for the service they have rendered for the period 2020-2022. She articulated the policy change as detailed in the state house press release of 17th November, 2022 and translated it to Luganda for clarity.
“I called you today so that we can hear one message to avoid ambiguity and to clarify how to handle the transition without creating anarchy,” Kisaka said.
She informed the market leaders that KCCA will be in charge of all revenue collections and other administrative issues. However the directives clearly state that there will be vendor’s committees for the self-help projects, conflict resolution, SACCOS, and government programs like Emyooga among others.
“When there is a policy change, it can cause structural change. The new structural change requires us to deploy KCCA staff to manage the markets. This is the very first time KCCA will be in full charge of collecting rental and other market dues,” Kisaka said.
She assured the vendors that KCCA will deploy enough staff to ensure the markets operate effectively.
Kisaka informed the outgoing vendors’ leaders to remain as a team that provides feedback to the Executive Director so that the markets in Kampala are managed effectively.
“No one should mistreat the outgoing interim committee leadership, they did a great job and are still valuable to the transition period,” Kisaka said.
KCCA has put in place the Markets Taskforce to oversee a smooth transition from the current leadership by the vendors to KCCA’s full administration.
“The market taskforce have started the work and will be conducting site visits to introduce the KCCA staff,” Kisaka said.
Kampala Central Mayor Salim Uhuru who attended the ceremony requested the market leaders to support the smooth transition as KCCA takes over.
“We need a smooth transition and you will be consultants to the technical team because you are key stakeholders in these markets,” Uhuru said.
Susan Kushaba the outgoing chairperson of St Balikuddembe (Owino) market promised the ED that the former interim leaders will be her foot soldiers to ensure the directive is implemented successfully.
“Thank you for consulting us as the president directed. We are going to be your foot soldiers on ground and we will not fail you. We will continue operating in the markets and support a peaceful transition,” Kushaba said.
Haruna Ntambazi, the secretary Nakasero market, applauded KCCA for engaging the market leaders to clear the air on the directive.
“There has been a lot of confusing messages but we are happy for your coming out to show us how this directive is going to be implemented. We are going to support you to make it succeed,” Ntambazi said.
Muhammed Ssegwanyi, the chairperson of Usafi Market, also welcomed the presidential directive and asked KCCA to protect former interim leaders from harassment.
“We are allies who want to see the vendors and the markets succeeding and we are going to support the KCCA staff that you are going to provide us,” Ssegwanyi said.
Geofrey Kaita Sserumaga the Chairperson of Kiseka Market called for forgiveness and reconciliation between the warring market leaders.
Juliet Mbabazi chairperson of security committee for Bugolobi market asked KCCA to ensure the issue of security is handled well during the transition.
John Bosco Bashinyora the Director for Gender, Community Services and Production also the chairperson of the Markets Taskforce said the issue of security will be addressed in consultation with the vendors.
“In this transition period we are going to come out with a program to introduce to you the leaders that will be heading the markets and consulting you on other issues,” Bashinyora said.
On issue of electricity and water bills, Bashinyora said KCCA will cater for general electricity bills like security while each vendor will pay for their own electricity and water. This was a landmark peaceful handover of the reports and the Task force will now embark on individual market visits to execute the directive.
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