8 Years Of KCCA
PUBLISHED — 12th, June 2019
Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has made remarkable achievements since its formation, eight years ago. The agency rebranded and has earned good public will and credibility.
At the onset, KCCA carried out a major institutional reform to strengthen service delivery. As a result, the institution attracted highly skilled and dedicated personnel to plan and execute the City’s development and operations guided by KCCA’s Strategic Plan. This team streamlined internal processes for revenue management and public accountability.
Today, KCCA, is one of the most recognized, trusted and valued brands in the country and abroad. The agency now attracts international financiers and development partners such as the World Bank, the European Union, African Development Bank, French Developmenet Agency (AFD)Japan Internationla Development Agency (JICA), Department of International Development (DFID), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and many others.
Kampala’s transformation journey started in 2011 after Kampala City Council (KCC) was replaced by Kampala Capital City Authority through an act of parliament (KCC Act 2010).
Some of KCCA’s achievements:-
KCCA draw the Kampala Physical Development Plan to guide urban planning as a key pillar of the City development policy.
With support from the European Union, the Climate Change Project prepared neighborhood plans for Nakasero, Kololo, Makerere and Mulago. This will ensure that these areas have well-planned housing and public facilities, trees, safe walkways, green parks, roads, cycling lanes, and access to public transport.
Over 10,000 trees have been planted in the city and about 4,500 Square meters of green and open spaces have been restored or improved upon. We also launched the Kampala Climate Change Strategy and are currently undertaking a tree audit in the City.
KCCA has significantly shortened the process of approving building plans from over 60 days to 14 working days.
Under the City Address Model and Computer Aided mass Valuation (CAM/CAMV), 88,579 properties have been numbered in Central and Nakawa Division, 585 house plates installed, 2,599 Street Signage faces have been installed on 1742 road sites, 360 roads have been named in seven (7) parishes in Kawempe Division.
KCCA is also currently rolling out the use of GIS as one to support planning, visualization, modelling and navigation in creating of livable City and for promoting economic development.
Over 210kms of roads have been upgraded to Bitumen and over 500kms of gravel roads maintained. 48 roads with a total length of 54.15Km are under construction and will be completed by December 2019, and 26 km of roads kicked off recently (Lukuli Rd, Kabuusu – Kitebi – Bunmwaya – Lweza rd, Nakawa - Ntinda a dual carriageway rd, John Babiiha (Acacia) Avenue a dual carriageway, Kulambiro Ring Rd) . KCCA has also been able to reconfigure and install responsive functional traffic signals at 21 junctions including Nakawa, Natete and Wandegeya, Fairway, Bwaise, Kiira road ,Game Lugogo, Katikati, Kololo Airstrip, Nakulabye & Naguru among others. We installed 4,988 Streetlights in the City, of which 1,560 are solar street lights promoting use of solar street lights.
We have reconstructed and upgraded several roads to dual carriage supported by the World Bank. These include Makerere Hill road, Kiira Road, Mabule road, Bakuli –Kasubi. The roads are fitted with 13 new traffic signals to improve mobility. We also rehabilitated 9 roads in Makerere University.
We have handed over KIIDP Batch 2 roads to the contractors and work will commence in July 2019. These roads include ;Acacia/John Babiha Avenue (1.5km,6 junctions), Nakawa Ntinda Road (2.8 km, 5 junctions), Kulambiro Ring Roas (4.8 km and one junction and Najeera Link (0.8km), Kabuusu – Bunamwaya – Lweza Road (8km, 2 junctions) and Lukuli Road (8km and I junction)
This year in October 2019, KCCA expects to start impovement (signalization) of 30 more junctions in the city using a grant from Government of Japan through JICA.
To address flooding in the City,. We have completed the drainage Masterplan. With support from WorldBank, KCCA will construct Nakamiro Drainage Channel and Lubigi Drainage Channel and the tendering process for the channels is ongoing. Other channels that will be constructed with support from World Bank include Nalukolongo Channel, Kansanga Channel,and Kinawataka Channel. Over 169kms of drainage maintained each year and over the last one year KCCA completed reconstruction of 23 Km of community drains.
Two Modern 170 bed Hospitals were constructed in Makindye and Kawempe. These have since been occupied and managed by Mulago Referral Hospital. We also opened a new Health Centre in Bukoto, procured 10 state-of-the-art dental units, constructed a maternity ward at Kawaala Health Centre 3, opened a new Health Centre in Bukoto, set up a modern Neo natal clinic, remodeled all the Labs and computerised drugs management. . In addition, KCCA renovated - Kisugu Health Center, Komamboga Health Center, City Mortuary, Kisenyi Health Center and the City Hall Clinic.
KCCA has recorded more than 100 percent child immunization, this is above the National target. Kampala is now in category 1 of WHO Standard. Kampala was recognized as the most improved district in TB treatment. We have also impacted the lives of health workers through the Health Workers SACCO that has grown with a running portfolio of over 700 million.
We have also registered an increase in garbage collectionfrom 30 tons to 1360 tons a day. The institution acquired 14 Garbage trucks and constructed a plastic and waste recycling plant under the Lake Victoria Environment Management Project (LVEMP). We have an agreement with the 3 private firms to i collect & transport garbage. We have set up 3 Plastic collection sites in the City, procured 135 Acres of land for a New Land Fill inDundu.
We run 79 government aided schools in the city and have been able to set up infrastructure in some of these schools. We have Constructed over 151 classrooms and renovated (61 new) and 6 science laboratories.
We reopened 3 Public libraries.We also distributed over 240 computers in several City schools, supplied 1,485 three-sitter desks to over 22 Schools. 50 Teachers Houses are now rehabilitated.
The sector boosts of a Teachers SACCO with over 1,000 members to date and with a running portfolio of 1.9b. This has helped improve the lives of teachers in public schools by allowing them access loans as startup capital for other income generating projects.
Other achievements include; improved school inspection, improved school sanitation in over 30 City Public schools, improved cooking facilities in 15 schools.
This sector has recorded great achievements since KCCA’s inception. Several markets have been constructed including Wandegeya Market which was completed to accommodate 1,200 vendors. It currently has a vendor occupancy of over 60%. Usafi Market was also acquired for the market vendors . The 6 acre market provided a cheaper solution for all traders that were transacting business in non gazzetted areas downtown Kampala. The plan is to construct an ultra-modern transport terminal and market.
A three-level market in Busega is being constructed to provide 2,000 work-spaces to the community. This work is supported by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa at the cost of USD 6m.(ABDEA) to be completed in December 2019.
Other initiatives to provide affordable trading space for the business community in the City put in place include the Sunday Market that was launched in May 2015. The Sunday Market Initiative along Luwum Street was launched as a way of giving an opportunity to street vendors to sell their merchandise. The market has gained momentum and to-date has between 800 – 1000 vendors operating at the market every Sunday. We have prepared the Market Ordinance which will guide market developments downtown in Kampala.
The Kyanja Agricultural resource center was established to promote modern urban farming. The center acts as a training/learning facility to people from within and outside Kampala. The center offers knowledge and practical skills on urban farming technologies. Over 3,000 urban farmers have been supported with inputs and new farming techniques.
KCCA set up an employment service bureau that has registered over 14,000 fresh graduates. Over 4000 youths have been trained and acquired ICT, life and social skills. Some 600 job seekers were connected to employment through the Bureau. The Bureau has a National Job Matching Database tool used to pair job applicants with companies.
Several community support programs have also been put in place with funding from the government where community groups get loans as startup capital for developmental projects. Over UGX 2.7Bn has been disbursed to 281 projects benefiting over 3,000 youths.
In addition, over 14,000 youth & 65,000 community members have been equipped with business skills & start- up capital to facilitate enterprise growth.
We introduced an electronic revenue system and eliminated cash collections. This has enabled us register a 190 % increase in revenue collections.
We have completed valuation of 17,029 properties in Central Division, and 64,000 properties in Nakawa Division all of which are on a ratable value of UGX 350Bn and annual property tax of more than UGX UGX 34 Bn. All of these properties are geographically referenced and digitally assigned property numbers. . Valuation of properties has been carried out in 3 Divisions (Central, Makindye and Nakawa Divisions) and the remaining 2 Divisions , Lubaga and Kawempe will be completed by by 30th June 2019. However data collection is still going going for the supplementary valuation.
The value of all KCCA assets increased by 1350% from UGX 45Bn (2011) to UGX 549 Bn (June 2017). We have received Unqualified Audit Opinion for four consecutive Financial Years.
Bank accounts were reduced from over 151 and now Revenue is collected through URA Accounts and removed over all unauthorized money safe boxes from KCCA premises which has helped in curbing corruption and embezzlement of public funds.
We successfully implemented Public Financial Management reforms and were accorded Credit Rating of A in the long term and A1 in the short-term by World Bank.
KCCA as a trusted brand and with excellent financial management systems in place, has continued to attract sponsorships from a number corporates, faith based organizations and NGOS.
These sponsorships have been in form of cash or in-kind contributions for wide range of City improvement initiatives.
The institution has improved compliance to government and other donor procurement regulations scooping an 85.7% rating by PPDA. It has been rated as highly satisfactory by the World Bank KIIDP II project and improved Asset Disposal Management.
KCCA is one of the 10 pilot institutions that are going to implement electronic governmenet procurement to improve procurement effeciency, effectiveness and earn value for money.
KCCA has improved communications with the clients through various media platforms including an interactive Website integrated with Social Media; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, SoundCloud and WhatsApp. This is supplimented with toll free line services, community engagements, print, radio and television programs
In 2012 we launched the Kampala City Festival that has grown over the years becoming East Africa’s biggest Street party with over 3 million people attending each year. This has come with numerous opportunities to both the local and international community position Uganda as a number one happy destination and a tourist hub.
We have also been conferred upon numerous (state the actual number) accolades for exemplary work and being a change leader in the delivery of public service and City Transformation in the World.
KCCA’s success journey is mainly attributed to the support and collaboration of Central Government, Citizens, Development Partners, International Agencies, Private sector and the KCCA staff.
For any queries, please contact us on our toll free line 0800990000, Email: info@kcca.go.ug and Social Media @KCCAUG
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